To help my Minecraft run a little more smoothly with all these mods running, I realized I needed Minecraft to have more access to all the RAM I stocked this PC up with. With a 32x32 resolution, the Modern Craft Pack is an essential modern resource pack for Minecraft players who are not playing on high-end PCs. I do experience a little bit of lag from time to time since my mods run across a multiplayer server, but it’s nothing that really hinders my gameplay too much. With the power of prayer tbh 💀 I give my Minecraft a good 10 minutes to load up before my streams, and then I don’t mess with the resource or shader settings after the game is launched without expecting a crash. How are you running so many mods without crashes? It’s largely a lot of googling and relying on other people’s link lists lmao, so I’m here to pay it forward with my own!

I download most of my Minecraft mods from, with the exception of the odd mod here or there from the developer’s websites. ♡ How to Install Minecraft Mods for Any Version by aintnoangel ♡ How to Download & Install Minecraft Mods by The BreakDown Below are linked a couple hand-picked tutorials from YouTube that could help you in your journey to become a pro Minecraft Modder. I’ve found this to be the easiest, most streamlined way to source mods and ensure they’re installed correctly. How I personally mod Minecraft is through (a lot of googling) and using the CurseForge launcher. It’s such a complicated process because there are so many different platforms for Minecraft, versions of the game and launchers you can use that it really makes it difficult to give a “one size fits all” answer to how to mod Minecraft. Honestly, when I got into modding Minecraft I really bit off more than I could chew.